

i am keep running but no destination.
Dark is around me.
I try to light up a light to see clearly but i can't.
and i see cold and huge jail is locked me.
i didn't scream but just cry alone.

i saw something.
it was so true.
true till i almost believe it was real life.
but i awake from there.
and i find out i cry in the dream.

i can't sleep after that.
but when i open my eyes,
my brain keep replay that dream.
true till make me scare of it.

i keep telling myself:
I have to be tough.
Tough till can take care of everyone.
But i am not superwomen.
When i tire,
you are the first people that appear in my mind.
How i wish i can press your number...
How i wish i could tell you all my feeling...
How i wish i could hug you and cry without worry anything...

But end up,
i just to choose off my hand phone.
I take off the battery and leave it a side.
i scare silence but in this time,
i just off all the thing.
no any sound around.

I am scare.
scaring everything and anyone,
include myself...


